Weekly Meeting (16/08/2023)
MUMS reps will start organising families once the questionnaire has been circulated and filled out
Families will be ready for Freshers week
MUMS Reps will do an ‘intro to MUMS’ in Year 1 induction week
MUMS reps will organise events throughout the year
We plan to open the merch store as early as possible this year
Online talks from sponsors, such as MPS, MDU and BMA will be uploaded onto Minerva instead of having them in the Year 1 induction week
Freshers Fair
Still sorting out location
Waiting for confirmed society affiliations
Societies sec, Olivia Ramackers, will send out emails in early September for societies to book stalls for Freshers
Sponsors for the fair include MDU, MPS and BMA, who will have stalls and maybe some talks
Planning on organising it earlier this year
Sports Rep, Alex Thornton, will be in contact with the relevant sports societies to plan dates
EDI Update
EDI reps have been in meetings with staff members to discuss ongoing and future projects that they will be involved in
EDI reps will be a part of Year 1 Induction week with MSRC President and Vice President
Continuing with projects from last year
Working with staff on “Curriculum Re-defined”
General Updates & AOB
The Year 1 team is looking for some volunteers to take the freshers on a tour of Worsley on the 28th September. Certificates will be provided. If you would like more information or to sign up please go to to https://forms.gle/EMwhJYRvNKdCP85r7
Intercalating Rep looking into potentially having an official intercalating student social/mixer at the start of the year