News and Updates
As our role is to help students, we want to keep you updated with what we are doing and what we are thinking about!
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MSRC Weekly Meeting 09/12/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 24/11/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 17/11/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 10/11/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 03/11/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 27/10/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 20/10/22

MSRC Weekly Meeting 13/10/22

MSRC Meeting 06/10/22
MSRC meeting notes 06/10/22

MSRC Statement 06/10/22
Details regarding the October 22 EGM

MSRC EGM 2022 Details

Successful Freshers Fair!

Welcome to Leeds medical school! Here is a message from the MSRC President!